Turning 100

Ryanfasani.blog turns 100 today! That is, 100 days old. And that means—you guessed it!— this is the 100th blog entry.I’m learning the people that resonate most with the content of this blog share one thing in common: We are unwilling to continue with the way things are.This unwillingness is not just angst about the present or fear of the future. It’s something deeper, more at the center of who we are, which is why online rants, twitter feuds, and passive aggressive status updates don’t even begin to solve it.But what is the “it”, this “thing” in us that is restless, this “appetite” for something different, this “alarm” that is trying to get our attention?We can numb it (with all manner of legal and illegal stuff).We can ignore it (and distract ourselves—news is great for this).We can bury it (under a host of other pressing things to do).Or we can listen to it, embrace it, and ask ourselves: What’s my role, my part, my call, my contribution in this crazy mess? What can I do, be, offer to this world and to my community?People like us that are unwilling to continue in ways like this, with the way things are, in the way we’ve “always” done things, believe and listen to the voice inside that says, “You have a part to play.”You, dear friend, do have a part. I hope this blog is a daily reminder of that truth.Let me ask two favors, both quite easy:

    1. If you click here, you can send me your thoughts on the content so far. I take your feedback very seriously.
    2. Share the blog with a friend, colleague, family member—anyone you think would appreciate the material—and let them know what they’re missing out on. You can do that by clicking any one of those three small circles just below this line.



The Opposite