5 Alternatives to Information Dumping

Instead of disseminating information in an age when everyone carries a supercomputer in their front (or back) pocket, here are five alternative steps toward engaging your church, class, team, community, or customer base:*

      1. Get their attention (with good content, not mind-numbing interruption).
      2. Earn their permission (to share, to be heard, and ultimately to be trusted).
      3. Deliver on their expectations (in exchange of their permission to share through the noise).
      4. Facilitate their connections (in the form of a genuine community).
      5. Inspire their creation (of solutions in partnership with the community that forms around your content).

I'll look at these a little more closely in the coming weeks...*I should say these are increasingly difficult and increasingly important. And, none of them are possible—not even the first one—if your goal is to be average or have "mass-appeal", which, honestly, is another word for not taking a risk and being average.




It’s Always Been This Way