
Let me state this opinion clearly: Everyone is a marketer. Yes, even you--whether a pastor or healthcare worker or a backhoe operator for AAA Construction.But by “marketer” I don’t mean “advertiser". I mean the art of getting your story in front of the world, telling it to the people that need to know, and delivering on it to them. Wait. Don’t think by “story” I only mean “anecdote”, as in little narratives about your life or about the cat that was stuck in the tree down the street. By “story” I mean the messaging and signals and images and little narratives you put out in the world that tell why you do what you do and choose what you choose.The goal for good marketing—remember, everyone is a marketer!—is not to build a following or generate a bunch of likes or pump up traffic to your blog, but instead it is to build trust with the people for whom your life (or product) matters.That said, the only marketing that matters—and everyone is a marketer!—is communicating something like this: “Here is a problem; I can solve it; let me prove it to you.”People like us solve problems, which is why we will work hard to bring into alignment who we are, what we do, what we’re after, what problem we will solve, and the stories and images and messaging that communicate that.Don't bite the bait of trying to create a buzz. A buzz doesn’t solve anything. Trust is the beginning of truly solving problems. Tell your story truthfully, and you’ll be on your way to solving the problem only you can solve.


Slow Down

