Finding Your True Self
Stop with the “finding your True Self” stuff.You don’t need to go find who you are. There’s no resort, or country, or road-trip that will land you at the destination of your True Self. You don’t have go there to get you, explore this and that to experience you.Just stop.You, dear friend, never went anywhere. Yes, your True Self may be hiding, having been beaten up, silenced, or ignored, but it's not out there. It never left. It’s here. Always has been, always will be.If anything needs to leave, it’s the lies: you’re not beautiful enough, tall enough, smart enough, witty enough, strong enough, masculine enough, dark enough, whatever enough. They need to find a new place to call home. Anywhere else, but not here, not in you.If anything needs to leave, it’s the noise: the phone, the lights, the constant stimulation, the media, the hype, the hangout. Turn it off. Tell it to go away.If anything needs to go, it’s the stuff: the new shoes and skis and pants and glasses and hairstyle. The style. The trend. The next thing. If not those things then the desire for them—that needs to go too.Don’t go anywhere. Stay here.Look inside.Therein is a child* that knows the gift you are to yourself and to the world.*Perhaps this is why Jesus emphasized being like children to whom the Kingdom of God belongs (ex: Luke 18:16)