So I Can Keep My Job

The professional photographer that is truly professional is not threatened by my meager attempts to take beautiful photos. The successful farmer across the county is not afraid that I started a vegetable garden. The skilled teacher at school is not threatened by courses I can access online.Unless, of course, they’re insecure about how and why they do what they do. Unless, of course, their skill or craft never evolves. Unless, of course, they don’t believe what they offer is worth paying for or investing in.If any one of these is true, then, of course, a proliferation of neophytes is a threat. But if these are not true, and the professional is secure, willing to grow and evolve, and is truly offering the world something valuable, then the question is not How do we keep the little guy out so I can keep my job?, but instead, How do we continue to do what we do, but better?This is most obvious to me in religious leadership.The amateur is a threat insofar as the professional is insecure in what he or she offers. And they’re unwilling to evolve, grow, improve.Want to keep your job?Evolve.Offer better.Be valuable.Be professional.




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