Metrics Mission

Mission statements are useless.Most of them are bad, anyway. Vague. Uninspiring. Incapable of being measured.The good ones (by mission statement standards) are still useless. If you have a good one, and everyone buys into it, and it influences the culture of your group, and it drives decision making, and it is measurable, then guess what: it’s useless.Your outcomes, your measurables, the data that you gather and share to communicate the success of your group, your company, or your church are your mission. Don’t try to hide behind a statement; no one buys it.If you measure the number of people that eat donuts on Sunday, and that is one of the primary figures you use to measure success, then getting people in your building, into the fellowship hall, on a Sunday, to eat donuts is your mission. Don’t try to translate those numbers into something more attractive or appealing, like “there’s a strong association between donut eaters and church volunteerism”. Your mission is donut eaters.Let’s be honest, what are the numbers you track?Those are your mission.


Heaven, Here


Imaginative Engineering