Movie Trailer Message

Ever get online and watch movie trailers for an hour?  

Most of the time it has an ironic satisfaction for me: I’m usually not enticed to see the movie because the whole story has been conveyed in 90 seconds.  If it looks good, well, I’ve consumed a delicious morsel for free and am satisfied with a condensed version of the story.  If the movie looks bad, I’ve consumed only a morsel and am glad to not eat more.  

There are the exceptions.  1% of the time, maybe less, I’ll watch 90 seconds, and I want more.  For others it’s maybe 10% or 20%.  But, for me, it's 1%. 

Two things to learn:

      1. A whole story can be communicated in 90 seconds or less.  

      2. A good trailer has no predictable correlation to a desire for the full two hour experience.  

#1 is a given.  Every concept, idea, or dream can be honed down to a riveting 90 seconds or less.  It has to be or it has no chance.  

#2 reminds us that a minority—a super minority!—will want more.  Our 90 seconds will be all that most people want.  (Repeat that last sentence a few times.)  But there are a few out there that will crave the whole experience.  

The goal is not to get everyone on board, but it is to tell everyone, so that the few that we need—the one’s that are deeply moved by our message in 90 seconds—can get on board.  


It Finds You


On Communicating: Genius