Voice Threshold

[Your Voice - I] 
When we’re young, we repeat what our caretaker says. (We mumble words, our first steps toward talking.) 
As we age, we copy others close to us, whether it be uncles, siblings, or neighbors. (We try on their voice.)
A little older and we mimic peers and pop figures we “admire”. (We attempt to build our voice while using others’ tools.) 
At some point, we reach a developmental threshold. Stepping over it is a decision to do the hard work of developing our own voice; staying put is settling for repeating the voices of those around us. 
Many people will stand still. Repeat and regurgitate. Forever. People like us will step forward, leaving behind soundbites and cliches, and stumble over words until our voice shows up. Eventually it will arrive, never to leave again.

If You Go, It Will Show


Spice it Up