“You can’t be serious?"

I’ve heard this dismissive question hundreds of times. So has everyone else leaning hard into their unique call. 
If you hear it from leaders, it carries a patronizing, putrid scent with it. Dispose of it. 
If you hear it from strangers, it’s a lack of understanding. Ignore it. Move on
If you hear it from friends, it’s a sign of concern. Explain once, maybe twice. That’s enough.
If you hear it from loved ones, invite them on the journey. But don’t justify yourself. 
If you hear it internally, you’re hearing Resistance. It’s best addressed by kicking butt and doing the work.   
Never is this question a sign you’re doing something delusional, weird, or wrong. Press on,  friends!

“Isn’t the industry saturated?”


“When would I go on vacation?"