Trusting Anyways

[Vulnerability and Power - XXXI]
“Blind faith” seems redundant. 
Isn’t faith by definition blind? As in, believing in something unseen. Then why must we qualify it with “blind”? It’s like we’re admitting to ourselves that faith is NOT actually confidence we have with regard to Ultimate Meaning or God. We double down not because we’re confident but because we’re insecure. 
Blind faith requires too much pretending. Too much showmanship. When we make faith about something unachievable (certainty about that which cannot be proven) we invite the facades, the posturing, and the public pretending—all projections of what we *ought* to sense internally but really never do. 
The essence of faith is not certainty in the unseen but comfort in the uncertainty of the unseen. 
It’s facing the vulnerability of not having the answer and *stepping forward anyways*. 
It’s being honest about fear and insecurity and worry and *leaning in anyways*.
It’s naming the reasons for despair *and insisting on hope anyways*. 
It’s not actually knowing and *trusting anyways*.
This Friday I begin to share about my upcoming book via weekly newsletter. Don’t miss it!

Conversion & Confession


Running from Violence