Strange Satisfaction

[Seasons: Spring XXV]
I experience my first sun burn every spring on my back and shoulders. I’m usually hunched over, planting seedlings in long rows. The sun has a surprising power in spring. Relative to the long cold days of winter, it’s literally burning hot; compared to summer, it’s low in the sky and cool. 
There’s a strange satisfaction with the first sun burn. It’s a distinct physiological sign that winter has passed and a reminder that summer is rushing closer. 
It’s also a warning that life and change are fragile. Spring growth promises summer resilience but not without a time of tenderness and fragility. Even though the winters of life may be in the past, growth and transformation must be nurtured and protected. 
Life is not guaranteed. 
Change is never permanent.
The spring sun reminds of of both.

Manufacturing Summer


Shown and Appreciated