You can avoid it your whole life. Elders and spiritual leaders use to directed you toward it; now our leaders direct us toward more pressing—and less meaningful!—issues of the day.
You can numb yourself and not feel it your whole life. There use to be ceremonious occasions to step away from the mundane; now we have the technology and access to substances that perpetually numb us from reality.
You can be distracted your whole life. Not long ago, our communities discouraged distraction because they needed us engaged and productive; now we call community the people that distract us from even seeing that we are distracted.
You can avoid, be numb to, and get distracted from your unique call . . . your whole life.
It’s not the so-called leaders creating buzz, online web of friends, or communities of distraction that are going to steer us back to our path-of-purpose. It is often one mentor, one friend, or one small group that is willing to speak truthfully to us that will make the difference.
Who is the one?
Who cuts through the distraction?
Who names the numbing?
Take them to coffee. It might be the way back to you.
[All Wordpress readers: If you read my blog on your Wordpress app or receive email updates through your Wordpress account, I encourage you to visit my new website,, and subscribe to my blog feed there. I will close shop on my Wordpress blog at the end of July.]