On Carrots & Voice

[Your Voice - IV]
Every year I question whether I should grow carrots in the garden. 
Because the seeds take so long to germinate, they always contend with weeds. I’m yet to lay my eyes on a bed of carrots that doesn’t look like a knee-high jungle of weeds.  
Harvesting them is a mess. Unlike a cucumber or cantaloupe, removing them from the growing bed is only half the harvesting battle; then I must contend with the dirt. 
However, when the high pressure hose hits them they burst with radiant orange, making store bought carrots, by comparison, appear dull and lifeless. 
Cultivating your voice is a bit like this. 
The work seems too much. It’s full of weeds. It’s messy. But at some point your voice will pop with color. Everyday chatter and generic “insights” from “experts” will sound dull and lifeless.

No Voice is Without Conflict


Crafting Words to Love