Making More Music

[Crisis & Awakening - IV]
When experiencing conflict, do you engage with a will to win or do you retreat with a will to avoid? Do you puff up or slink down? Do you raise your voice or quiet it and even go silent? 
A sign of awakening…Evidence of a revival…A symbol of renewal and new life…
…Is not that you would choose silence if you formerly were a screamer, or choose to engage if you formerly chose to disengage, but instead, that the very tendency to create conflict would be displaced with a desire to create beauty. 
Instead of silence, humming. Instead of screaming, singing. Instead of arguing and cowering, a strong appetite for music. 
Whatever your tendencies, if you find yourself making more music, singing aloud, and tapping beats, you may be experiencing the early signs of a fresh wind of renewal.

Ideation Rather Than Repetition


Feeling Connected