Leading to In-Person Contact
[Vulnerability & Power - XX]
Social media maximizes our power and minimizes out vulnerability.
It’s not only mind numbing (ie hypnotic scrolling) and anxiety inducing (ie too much news too quickly), it’s a “space” swelling with the appetite of a school of piranhas—hungry for flesh. There’s a good reason for this: the vulnerability that comes with real connection is missing and the base cravings we have for power can finally be met. We can literally destroy someone’s life and remain anonymous.
As a tool for connection they are useful.
But if social media doesn’t lead to in-person contact, it’s ultimately distancing and unhealthy.
[Also, with disciplined intentionality, a close watch on habits, and clear sense of purpose, social media can also be used for good without leading to in-person contact. But it’s rare.]