Know Your Bone

[Your Voice - IX]
Our dog is a working dog. She herds goats, eats, sleeps, and then herds goats again. If she comes into the house, she lays on her mat in the corner. She’s not allowed anywhere else (because that would be gross). On her mat is a bone. She gnaws on it off and on for hours. When it’s time to work, without hesitation, she leaves the comfort of the mat and the tastiness of the bone behind. When she returns, the bone is there to greet her. No one else wants it, touches it, or has any reason to move it. 
Thoreau said, “Know your own bone; gnaw on it, bury it, unearth it, and gnaw on it again.” 
Your bone is your voice. 
Put it on your mat.
Return to it often.
Keep gnawing.

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