It is Handed to You, but...

[Your Voice - XXII]
Voice doesn’t register on our economic map. 
Supply and demand and the invisible hand do. 
Compensation, benefits, insurance, and time-off do.
Supply chains, manufacturing, and product development might.
Cost benefit analysis, externalities, margins, and loss equations do.
But voice is not something you extract from the earth, model on a computer, build or manufacture, deliver to the marketplace, and advertise. 
In a market economy, “free” is never free, and “free” always costs someone, somewhere, something. 
Voice, however is indeed free and therefore disturbs (and even disrupts) our economic sensibilities. And it is priceless, though it has no price tag. 
Voice is unearned.
Your Unique Voice is something given. It’s handed to you at birth, without cost, as a gift. Whether we choose to look for it, receive it, activate it, nurture it, utilize and share it, is entirely up to us. But cost: there isn’t any. 
Voice is unmerited grace.

Do This to Kill It


Context & Kinetics