Into the Woods

[Crisis & Awakening - VI]
I’ve heard from many people they feel the presence of the Divine in nature. It’s as if the noise of the city drowns out the gentle whisper of anything that matters. 
A life lived full of noise—with very little silence, no slow-paced walks in fresh air, and seldom a grove of unpruned trees—is a life deficient of the opportunities to be quiet enough to deeply listen. 
Like a homing device, we are drawn outside and into the wild. A part of us belongs there; it’s the same part of us that wants to connect, to hear, to hold onto the whispers from a Deep Source. 
Children don’t resist this calling. Adults often stuff it away. That’s why a revival often looks less like religious showmanship and more like adults acting like children and heading into the woods.

Storytelling Over Gossip


Ideation Rather Than Repetition