Grab a Shovel

[Your Voice - XII]
I loved my BMX bike growing up. My favorite thing to do, of course, was jumping. But a dirt jump requires a lot of work to build, and we didn’t live by a track. So, we had to work. A sizable jump (waist to chest high) requires about 300 shovel fulls of dirt . . . and that’s not counting building a decent landing. 
Passion will drive a boy to do anything; we built a good half dozen jump-and-landing combinations. Altogether it took months of hard labor. 
My friend’s dad built him bigger jumps in less than a day. They used a backhoe. 
Your voice is a slow building process. It’s a lot like building dirt jumps, one shovel scoop at a time.  
It looks like others have found a shortcut, but there are no voice building backhoes. Bit by bit, scoop by scoop, is the only way to your authentic voice. 
Grab a shovel.

Concerning Adverbs & Memes


Voiceless Communication