Forever Interested

[Learning & Growing - XII]
My first class in college was Introduction to Philosophy. I expected one thing; I got another. Instead of erudite conversations about millennium-old ideas and long-dead white-bearded guys, we discussed moral responsibility in politics, climate change and business ethics, the purpose and place of the sacred in everyday life, and so much more. 
Before that class I hardly read. Before that class I dreaded school. Before that class writing was a chore. 
After that class, reading, school, and writing were interesting, even thrilling. 
Surprise sparks interest. Everything about that class was a surprise. And I was given the questions to ask that would render life itself a continual surprise. 
Mystery sustains interest. That class introduced me to a world of discovery and wonder that only increases in its vastness the further I explore. I was invited to pursue the mystery, not shy away from it. And I’ve been “finding” mystery ever since. 
Are you open to surprise? Comfortable with mystery?

Drudgery & Dream Jobs


Losing Sparkle