Creating Scarcity

[Seasons: Summer V]
Parker Palmer says we create the scarcity we fear. I find this to be true in society, but also in my personal life. 
If I hoard resources in fear of running out or losing access, someone else will not have enough. 
If I withhold love or charity or compassion because there’s only a finite amount to go around, someone in need will be ignored. 
If I micromanage and control out of jealousy, of course I will hurt loved ones and lose close friends. 
If I believe my good ideas will run dry and I desperately hold onto my last writing project, surely my creative energy will wither. 
Scarcity is a fallacy… until we fear it. Then it becomes reality. 
There is no scarcity in summer. We should all lean into this summer truth more and release the belief the well is about to run dry.

Summer Giving


Summer Camp & Maturity