My son is obsessed with bees. Their behavior, work ethic, communication, social inclinations, biology, honey, nectar, pollen . . . it’s all fascinating to him. He came to his obsession through agriculture; he was studying the importance of pollinators to plant life and farming.
He found an interest in farming through a broader interest in food systems and immunology when COVID changed everyone’s life. Those interests complimented his interests in healthy eating and physical training.
And eating well and training have been a priority to him partly due to him starting to play soccer competitively.
This is fascinating: my son manages a small apiary partly because he plays soccer!
Learning is about curiosity and curiosity is an openness to the interconnection between all things. Sometimes soccer leads all the way to honey, but if you’re not curious, it might end at balls, cleats, and grass.
Where will your interests lead?
What connection might your curiosity uncover?
[Just a heads up: my blogging here is connected with writing that I do elsewhere. If you’re *curious* about more ministry specific reflections, you can find them here.]