Rise in Celebration(s)

[Crisis & Awakening - XVI]
There seems to be two types of celebration, planned and unplanned. 
A planned celebration might go by party, bat mitzvah, graduation, holiday dinner, or any other name you can think of that indicates an opportunity to commemorate an event, moment, or season. These celebrations are *organized gratitude*. 
A celebration can also be unplanned. Sometimes we can see it coming from the horizon and so choose to encounter it without much prep, and other times it surprises us from around a blind corner. In both cases, there is no formal event, no planned gathering, and no premeditated commemoration. But these celebrations are no less celebratory. In fact, often times the spontaneity adds a level of exuberance.  These celebrations feel like *spontaneous joy*. 
In our youth we prioritize spontaneity and unhindered play. Joy that "just comes” at the spur of the moment is golden and prioritized. As we age we see the value of planning, the need for ritual, and the importance of discipline. The gratitude embedded in predictable gatherings and celebrations is golden and prioritized. 
An awakening is not marked by one over the other. Rather, in an awakening we see a rise in both!

Changing Perception


Reduction in Judgment