Amateur vs. Professional

I was asked how many books I sold in the first week after my launch of Consuming Hope.
“I really don’t know,” I replied.
 “Well, just check.”
 “Maybe later,” I conceded, “I have a meeting I need to get to with the designer for my next project.”
 An amateur finishes a project, exhales in delight, and takes a break. A professional finishes a project and gets back to work, knowing there’s infinite new material waiting to be given form.
 An amateur finishes and crosses his fingers, thankful that life allowed him time to do his work. A pro doesn’t feel the pressure for a single project to "make it big”, as he is leaving a trail of projects in the wake of pursuing the very work that gives him life.
 [h/t Steven Pressfield]

Echoing & Fading


Good Advice… In Theory