Your First Canvas
If you’re an artist, your first canvas is not the one your middle school teacher gave you in seventh grade or your first commissioned mural after art school. Your first canvas is the internal medium through which you discover that you are more than impulse and mere appetite. Your first canvas is your inner-self on which the divine paints the possibility of a life of creativity.
If you’re a teacher, your first classroom is not the one the administration assigned you when you were a student teacher. Your first classroom is the one in which you found your seat and paid close attention to a Deeper Teacher. It’s the classroom of your heart, where your inner-self finally slowed down enough to listen to your calling as an educator.
If you’re an architect, your first project was not the office building your firm took on right after you graduated college. Your first project was being sketched out in your imagination by a Reality that predated your life and then captivated your attention in your dad’s workshop when you were but a child.
The good work we do in the world begins long before the current job we hold. The only way to bring our whole selves to the table is to reengage the Reality that is before and under and within us.
Without it we are automatons.
With it we are on a mission.