Struggle & Practice

Have you ever observed closely the work of pure artistry? I watched Robert Thomas for hours one time.

Have you ever read a novel and felt the weight of the world fall away as you were taken to another life in another time and place? My son did about this series.

Have you ever sat at the feet of a sage, lapping up the wisdom of a life spent in introspection? I’ve always thought spending time with Henri Nouwen would be like that.

We all appreciate artistic brilliance.
We all love good story telling.
We all crave wisdom.

When the particular is beautiful, aligned with purpose and call, it has universal appeal. We are drawn to it, in part, because it confirms everyone has a unique, spectacular gift to give the world.

But artistry, writing, and wisdom don’t come easily. They require hours upon hours of struggle and practice.

Your gift to the world won’t come easily either. But it will come, if you’re willing to do the work.


Won't Be Delivered


It’s Always the Right Choice