Called to Leave
Where are you at home?
Not the address, a description of the cul-de-sac you grew up on, or the neighborhood you live in now. Not even your idea of home, like “where your heart is” or “where everyone knows your name”.
Where are you at home?
What is normal, expected?
Where are you comfortable?
What routine do you follow to avoid the most conflict?
What schedule do you keep to stay even and balanced?
Describe to me the familiar, ordinary, comfortable, and secure life you’ve managed to piece together. That’s where you’re at home. It’s not bad or deficient. It’s not morally hollow or bankrupt.
But you must leave.
We all must leave.
We spend a lifetime building the very “homes” we must finally leave to discover our reason for living.
Home provides shelter, but it also protects us from the uncomfortable battle we must wage with our False Self. Home offers safety and security, but it also inhibits us from embarking on the scary voyage of revelation and discovery.
You are being called.
We all are called.
Your life awaits.