Weekly Roundup: Craft

May 10 - May 14, 2021

Monday: Craft is the name of the intersection between . . .
inspiration and productivity,
calling and creation,
passion and skill,
zeal and braun.

Tuesday: Anyone can be attentive once, but the virtue of attentiveness is a commitment to listening and caring over time.

Wednesday: You can keep showing up on time, producing what’s expected of you, and earning your paycheck. It pays the bills and pads the funds. Or, you can listen to the voice that insists there’s more. Not more hobbies, more screens, more vacation, and more of your favorite drink. No, there's more . . . of you.

Thursday: Telling the truth is less about words (on letterhead and t-shirts and promo material) and more about the implicit message within the product, service, or action. The truth of craft can be measured by the consistency between mission and product.

Friday: I want to commit to my craft long enough and with enough intentionality that I become the kind of person that adds measurable value and improvement to the lives of those in my community, and from there I will teach others the mastery of my craft, that I might have a multiplying influence on the world.

Are you interested in the whole reflection? Click on any day, and it will take you there.

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The Cost of Craft


Multiplying Mastery