Weekly Roundup: Doubt
April 26 - 30, 2001
Monday: While doubt is dark, it is not darkness. It is heavy, but it is not wrong. It is scary, but it is not bad. If anything, doubt signals immanent growth.
Tuesday: Don’t look inside the doubt for clues. It’s often too dark to see.
Look around it to find which connections are missing.
Wednesday: There are no prescriptions other than those that allow the doubt to breathe. Time. Space. Compassion. Understanding. Anything else only augments the doubt.
Thursday: Doubt comes in the dark, prefers the shadows, and will slip in a cracked window if given the chance. It’s often rude, shaming, and dismissive. It’s not always bad, but it is always suspect.
Friday: You don’t tell someone they’re safe (fact or not). They feel it. You don’t tell someone they’re encouraged (fact or not). You do it.
Are you interested in the whole reflection? Click on any day, and it will take you there.
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