Visit it on Purpose

[Restlessness - XII]

I like what my friend, Shannon, said about restlessness. “[It’s] part of the wholeness of being human.”

It's so matter-of-fact.
And true.
And healthy.

Restlessness is not bad. Nor is it good. It’s a neutral, natural part of the human experience. As such, it has the potential to give or take, bless or curse, teach or silence, empower or weaken those of us that feel it.

"Maybe it is our approach to how we think about being restless, how we judge it that sets the stage for moving freely or not.” So, what do we do? Well, we do what any student with an appetite to learn does: spend more time with the teacher. "So if we understand that it is part of us and allow ourselves to hang out there for awhile, [we might find] out what it has to offer . . .”

I appreciate her prescription: "Maybe we visit restlessness on purpose each day for 5 minutes, it may be the fuel we need."


Poets Among Us


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