Where Are You Running?
[Restlessness - III]
Restless leg syndrome (RLS) is a real thing, you know. It’s the uncontrollable urge to move, often accompanied by twitching or shaking of the legs. Moving offers some satisfaction; sitting still is impossible. Running is the perfect antidote (if one can do it without injury).
There’s also a metaphorical RSL. It’s the uncontrollable urge to do something, go somewhere, or accomplish a task. Anything but this; anywhere but here; anything other than what is currently happening. “Running” is the perfect antidote.
Where are you going? (Nowhere in particular, I assume.)
Ah, yes, then what are you running from?
RLS and restlessness in general is often an (attempted) escape.
From tension.
From conflict.
From hurt.
From grief.
From denial.
From unhealth.
From self-examination.
From reconciliation.
From introspection.
From potential growth.
Again: Where are you going and what are you running from?