Wrong Phrase (& an Alternative)

[Fear - II]

I am Ryan.
I am a father.
I am writing.

Factual statements describing who I am, a role I embody, and a task I am doing.

I have a shaved head.
I have a sore foot.

Factual statements, and yet they are different than the first three. They don’t describe who I am or what I am doing; rather, they name two “things” temporarily in my "possession". I could grow my hair out (sorta). My foot will heal (hopefully).

I am not a shaved head.
I am not a sore foot.
Then why do we say, “I am afraid”?

We are not fear.
We have fear. Temporarily.
“I am experiencing fear” doesn’t define who you are.

It’s a signifier. A Teacher. A messenger. A pointer. Even a dance partner.
But it’s not you.

Try an alternative: “I have fear . . . for now”.


Pointing to Important Work


Turn the Lights On