Stop the Filibustering

[Starting & Finishing - XV]

When will you get started on the project, idea, program, or career that gives you life, wakes your soul, inspires your heart, and gets you up in the morning?

“When I feel inspired.”
“When the resources are there.”
“When the plan is complete.”
“When the policy passes.”
“When there’s a critical mass.”
“When the climate is conducive.”
“When life settles down.”
“When I have a platform.”
“When the pandemic is over.”

Stop with the filibustering.

A book doesn’t begin with a contract with a publishing company. A book begins with waking up an hour earlier, and writing page after "god-forsaken" page of a crummy first drafts.

A new career doesn’t begin with submitting your two-weeks notice and cleaning out your office. It begins three years before that with the first of 372 phone calls to old friends to make connections and network.

A movement doesn’t begin with a 20,000 person march. A movement begins with implementating a conviction in one’s own life on Monday morning when no one is looking (and no one cares).

The timing is never right. The resources will never fully be depositing in the account.

Regardless, we must get started.


Weekly Roundup: Starting & Finishing (Round 3)


Naysayers are a Mirror