“You’ll learn"
[You - IX]
Alternatives to “You’ll learn” are:
“You haven’t arrived yet”
“Maturity will come with time”
“You haven’t gone through it yet”
“You’re ignorant”
“I have more insight than you”
“I’m further along than you are”
"Been there, done that"
I had someone look me dead in the eye once and tell me to listen to their reasoning because they had been through the stage I’m in already and know what’s on the other side. I, they insisted, am blind to it. They were technically correct . . . and unwise.
Wisdom has perspective. But wisdom also knows the radiant truth found in each and every encounter. Sure, people have been where you are before. But you haven’t! And that’s what makes it unlike anything else.
The encounters are never duplicated.
The learning should never stop.
The encounter and the learning are the point.