Daughter’s Day?

[Affirmations - VI]

Is today Son’s Day.
Was yesterday Daughter’s Day?

When’s Mother’s Day?
Father’s Day?

Why do we have a “Day” to celebrate each other? Is it a glorified, cultural commercial? Probably. Is it an excuse to show gratitude and appreciation? Yeah.

News flash: You don’t need a “Day” to thank someone for how they’ve influenced you, what they’ve given you, or how they sacrificed for you. Actually, it’s more meaningful, I think, to do it on a different day than the one you’re told to do it on.

Each of us arrived here, at this point, with this successes and growth and opportunity, because someone saw it fit to give of themselves.

Affirm that.
Thank them.
Send them a note.

(You are one of those people. Thank you. Oh, and thank you, too, Mom!)


Questions as Criticism


Weekly Roundup: Affirmations