On the Test?

[Work – IV]

Is it going to be on the test?

Memorizing information for the sake of regurgitation, which is for the test, which is for the grade, which is for some arbitrary measurement of “intelligence”, which is the way to elevate your status among your peers, that you might get noticed, accepted, and eventually admitted into the “right” school, so that you can get the job that pays enough to cover your debt, is probably not a good motivation for learning.

That grade means very little in the end.
It has nothing to do with “being smart”.
Your peers don’t care, in the end.
That university is about status, not vocational advancement.

The way to "the top" used to be exclusive, only given to the top 1% from the top schools. There was an "executive education" that gave you a badge of privilege. It opened doors and gave access to the strategies and insights that were held in secret.

None of this is true anymore.
Not if you are hungry. And want to learn.

Stop wondering if the information is going to be on the test. It doesn’t matter. Skip the test and access the information that matters, the people that truly teach, the mentors that want to see you succeed, and the opportunities that stretch and strengthen you.


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