Weekly Roundup: Birth & Babies (Again)

August 31 – September 4, 2020

Monday: You, dear friend, rest assured that the divine is still at work to bring forth new life. Sometimes it takes the blanket of night to incubate the possibilities of a new future.

Tuesday: The spiritual life is always a journey backwards, it seems. Back to our roots. Back to understanding what makes us who we are. Back to deeper insights. Back to being full of life. Back to childlikeness, youthfulness, playfulness. Back to innocence. Back, ultimately, to being reborn.

Wednesday: No one tells a pregnant mother to be more efficient in delivering her baby. Under many circumstances, efficiency is simply not helpful. And it’s in those circumstances that we see just how unhealthy efficiency can be.

Thursday: Birthing a new project . . . won’t be loud. There will be pain. And it will be messy. But it will be beautiful. And worth it.

Friday: Most of life is labor—the hard but necessary work of moving forward, getting us to our goals . . . and not worth making an announcement about.

Are you interested in the whole reflection? Click on any day, and it will take you there.

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Permission to Quit


Labor Announcement?