Weekly Roundup: Birth & Babies

August 24-28, 2020

Monday: Naming the experience of others usurps their story. All experience, especially one as momentous as pregnancy, is complex, layered, and nuanced. It’s never just a blessing, or only positive. But it is always their experience.

Tuesday: And when the thrill wears off—two months, five months, nine months in—it’s not a reflection on the value and importance of what you’re fashioning, growing, or building. Remember that the idea was an important birth, too. One that you were divinely given, not by accident.

Wednesday: Our rewards must come from a deep well of affirmation that only we can carry, build, and nurture. If people like us wait on others to reward us, we may be waiting forever. If and when it comes, it will only be temporary.

Thursday: Intentional proximity and care are the kryptonite of “otherness”, exclusion, prejudice, and even hostility. Sustained closeness is the best means by which differences are overcome.

Friday: A mother can’t back out of delivering the baby. Great ideas, on the other hand rarely are born. Now’s your time. Deliver.

Are you interested in the whole reflection? Click on any day, and it will take you there.

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Time to Deliver