Being Rich is not…
[Intersections – II]
Being rich is not a measurement of wealth. Assets, liquid or otherwise, are part of it, but they are not limited to that.
Being rich is not necessarily a quality of lifestyle. Lavish trips, high end hotels, and flying first class might be your preference if you’re rich, but they are not requisite aspects of it.
Rich does not require a high salary. Though it can. Rich does not require making “easy money”. Though it can.
Actually, there’s no necessary correlation between being rich and how much money you have in your account.
Instead, being rich is at the intersection of personal conviction, lifestyle, and income. It's the experience of having more than you need, and what you need is the result of how you see and understand the world. It’s the “freedom” that comes when your convictions result in a cost of living lower than the amount in your account.
I know minimalists, living in a van, that are rich.
And I know millionaires that are not.