Not a Lapdog
[Border Collie – V]
Border Collies have a reputation for being high-energy. As an adult, I’ve owned two, and both have fit the stereotype.
They make terrible lapdogs, but they make great workers.
Herding sheep, check.
Pushing cattle for miles, check.
Playing fetch for hours, check.
Border Collies were bred for that kind of stuff. For generations. No one is going to reverse those traits. For the foreseeable future, they will be small-framed workaholics.
What traits are innate in you? You can do the hard and ultimately wasteful work of trying to work outside your giftings, or your can do the hard and ultimately helpful work of learning what it is that makes you tick. (It’s not always obvious.)
The time and energy required for self-understanding might feel like valuable time lost now, but in the future it will be a lot more time and frustration saved. (Just try holding a Border Collie on your lap.)