It’s Your Superpower

[Border Collie – II]

Border Collies are known for their small, agile frame, high energy, and intelligence. Our dog, Pepper, fits that description exactly.

Our herding teacher—yes, we actually have one of those—noticed something about Pepper the first time she met her. She said Pepper has an uncommonly “soft” disposition. She advised us to not use force (or even a harsh tone) during training, or it would be counterproductive.

She’s correct. If we show the slightest sign of frustration, Pepper shuts down. Her agile body freezes; her mind disconnects. She just stares at the ground. It’s her one weakness.

Pepper lives for herding . . . and pleasing her owner. Her “soft” disposition is the consequence of the latter. And it’s an aspect of her laser-like focus. She’s attentive to the slightest shift in tone, facial expression, and body language. It may be her “weakness” but it’s also what makes her exceptional.

I’m not sure what you’ve been told is your "weakness," but I imagine it’s an aspect of your strength. It very well could be what makes you exceptional. I bet if used properly, it’s a superpower.


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