People Change

Things I’ve learned from blogging 500 days in a row . . .

I am a different person than I was in high school. (Thank goodness.)

I’m a different husband than I was when I first married.

I’m a different blogger than I was 500 blogs ago. I’ve grown, to be sure.

Different from last month? Likely.

Yesterday? Sure.

Life is a long lesson in how to manage ongoing change.

Writing is no different. If done with sincerity, it’s merely the words I have here and now. Tomorrow they will be different because, God willing, I will grow between now then.

To write in a way that’s not detached from my experience is always to write provisionally. That doesn’t make it untrue or less meaningful. Quite the opposite. It makes is more real, more embodied, more truthful. No matter what I say, beneath it is the message, “World, here I am today, and here are the words I have found. They may change—in fact, they will change—but for now, this is what I’ve got.”

Communicate with grace, knowing tomorrow will be different. You will be different.
Listen and read with grace, too.

People change.


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