Organic Reflections
I believe Wendell Berry is a saint.
I grow a huge garden, drink lots of goats milk, and build a lot of compost.
I believe self-interegation is at the center of a life worth living.
And I believe a robust faith must drive any real, lasting social change.
If one of those resonates with you, then, at the very least, our worlds intersect in a profound way. If you connect with two of those statements, then we could really have a lively conversation. (Let’s do it sometime.) If three or four resonate with you, then we are kindred spirits . . . and we should be friends and co-conspiritors in changing the world.
But first, let me get an important book to the world: Growing Prayer: Reflections on the Intersection of Land, Food, and Christian Spirituality.
This book is less about how to make all those convictions work together and more about how I found them all to be contained in the same holistic dream I didn’t know I always had. In a way, I didn’t discover those pillars, rather, I stumbled upon them and they helped me discover true health.
In this book you can find everything from notes on the contemplative practice of weeding garlic beds to the radical implications of sabbath keeping to the relationship between the microbiome in the soil and the biome in one’s gut. It’s part food diary, part theological memoir, and part agrarian manifesto.