Circle of Trust

[The Creative Call – II]

Some of the most creative people I know are not artists in the traditional sense. They create. They draw from a source of color and sound and shapes that are inspired from deep within . . . but they don’t paint or sketch or compose music.

Some are math teachers.
Some are engineers.
Some are nurses and other healthcare providers.
And some work retail.

But all of them seek to solve everyday problems with grace rather than force, depth rather than superficiality, and richness and complexity rather than bland platitudes. They question the status quo and do the work to discover and enact alternatives.

And they are open to criticism but not censuring. Criticism, in the form of evaluation and analysis, is welcomed. Criticism, in the form of condemnation, judgement, and censuring has no place in their midst.

The creative call can thrive behind any professional veil, but what it can’t do is thrive in the presence of hostility, censuring, and shame. That’s because, as far as I can tell, the creative call is an exercise of the soul. And the soul has a high standard for safety and a low tolerance for (other’s) insecurity and wounding.

People like us don’t need to change our profession; however, we do need a circle of trust that is honest yet safe.


Creativity and Hospitality


Artists are Human