Weekly Roundup: Hero
March 16 – March 20, 2020
Monday: If we step away from Hollywood and look at heroes across time, we see you don’t need to fly to be a hero. You don’t need to slay dragons or topple armies or rescue the damsel in distress. Most fundamental to the hero is a commitment to protect the vulnerable.
Tuesday: The hero is not the opposite or the inverse of the villain in this case. The hero is not preoccupied with organization or order or balance. The hero believes fundamentally in synergy. Beyond merely fixing the “bad” or righting the “wrong” of the enemy, the hero seeks something more, something greater.
Wednesday: Villains believe in common desires, common selfishness, common corruption, and common rationalization. Heroes, on the other hand, deeply believe and therefore direct their lives, their vocations (and occupations), and their resources toward a more fundamental commonality known as the Common Good.
Thursday: Zero-sum drives the frenzy, the rush, the hysteria, the trends, the competition. The thought of missing out—especially missing out on that one thing everyone will notice you for—is one of the greatest fears of the zero-sum perspective.
Friday: Only the hero “slows" time down. By doing good. The antidote to the urgency of selfishness is the overflow of goodness.
Are you interested in the whole reflection? Click on any day, and it will take you there.
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