Weekly Roundup: Villain

March 9 - March 13, 2020

Monday: There are a finite number of X, and if the hero (or anyone other than the villain) gets a portion of X, then the villain gets proportionately less. Anyone else’s gain is the villain's loss.

Tuesday: In this type of selfish world everything else, everything beyond, everything outside of mine is a threat and must be feared and avoided or eliminated. This is why selfishness as a virtue is always one step from paranoia.

Wednesday: In our race to the top, do we ever stop and ask, Where is the top and why are we racing there? Or, What exactly is the top of life? The villain, without this type of reflection, puts his or her head down and drives forward. Be first! Anything else is one place closer to last.

Thursday: The villain is elusive and brilliant. He or she is often not in plain sight . . . but slightly beyond it. There’s a world of villainous possibility just beyond the light and yet not totally in the dark.

Friday: A villain believes the whole world is a potential fight, and consequently the threat of losing a fight. This is the antithesis of the spirit of nonviolence, which trusts the possibility of peace in every situation.

Are you interested in the whole reflection? Click on any day, and it will take you there.

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