Weekly Roundup: New Metrics for Success

February 24, 2020 – February 28, 2020

Monday: Success is the measurement of the difference, a quantity of change. The good news is that you get to choose what exactly the change is, and therefore what success looks like. Now, go measure for it.

Tuesday: Who is your audience? Success is fundamentally an act of giving to them. The person that will stop and listen, despite all the noise, is the person to whom your work matters.

Wednesday: We need to do the hard work of knowing the assumptions behind the old record keeping, number ticking, roll calling, and head counting, if we’re going to move forward.

Thursday: Specificity helps here. So does focus. Associations, positive or negative, only blur our targets. (And are often a sign in losing trust in the mission.)

Friday: We can only know what to measure today. And the surest measurement for success is our willingness to constantly adjust our measurements to reflect location and time—our context.

Are you interested in the whole reflection? Click on any day, and it will take you there.

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Sunday Reminder


Location, Time, and Measurements