Weekly Roundup: Small on Purpose

February 10 - February 15, 2020

Monday: A mosquito doesn’t create artificial buzz to get your attention; it does what it is designed to do, persistently, consistently. And It happens to do it better than anything else. What are you designed to do? Do it persistently.

Tuesday: If you want to be effective, make a difference, inspire action, and change the future, draw a smaller circle—shrink the space you’re targeting

Wednesday: Have you examined a splinter after extraction? All that pain and inconvenience came from that microscopic piece of wood or glass or plastic.

Thursday: The challenge is to get behind the protection. Stay small. The bigger the rock the harder time it has getting behind the protection, underneath the guard, inside the wall.

Friday: The goal is not always growth. It’s not always getting a bigger piece of the pie (or puzzle). The goal is being situated in a way that offers meaning, purpose, or finality. Stay small. Become more important.

Are you interested in the whole reflection? Click on any day, and it will take you there.

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Sunday Reminder


Missing Puzzle Piece