New Year, New Projects

Friends,This wraps up daily blogging for 2019.As I look forward to 2020, I can make out the very edges of several big projects I’m thrilled about. Here are a few teasers.

    1. Many of you know that while I blog daily, I always have longer writing projects underway. Well, one of those book-length projects looks like it will be published in 2020. And another the following year. (And there’s no sense in stopping there!). I look forward to rolling the details out in the coming months.
    2. Writing is a small part of my bigger work, which is part community organizer, part spiritual director, part activist, part entrepreneur. Some call it a pastor. Others call it a church planter. I use both of those titles, but usually I just call it waking up in the morning. Things are taking shape in this realm, and I’d like to share about it.
    3. I’ve realized something in my daily blogging: the harder I work to find and use my voice—another word for the language that orbits around my unique vocation—the more I’m convinced that everyone has within them brilliant, beautiful, rich stories. Part of my work as a pastor-writer is to share those. With images. And words (of course). This project is on its way!

Here’s to a new year of growth!




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