On Not Killing Creativity

I was asked, "What are some things I can do to increase my creative capabilities?"

I immediately replied, "Less social media." As soon as that escaped my mouth, I wanted to take it back. Why? Because, while I believe the endless scrolling through photos of others' lives hampers creativity, I don't believe it's the fundamental problem. The fundamental problem is the presupposition behind her question: creativity is scarce and the challenge is to increase it.

We don't have a shortage of creativity; we have an excess of habits that kill our inherent creativity.

The challenge is not to increase creativity but to get out of it's way. To stop inhibiting it from flourishing. To stop whatever it is that makes us believe it's not there.

All the creative capabilities you need are in you. Now, the question is, How do you not kill them?

h/t to Anthony Esolen for helping me think through the next few days of reflections on creativity.


Fast and Slow


Nov. 18 - Nov. 23, 2019